I’ll buy you a diamond ring my friend if it makes you feel alright
When I was a kid being a songwriter seemed like a cool thing to do.
Now, 300 songs later, or is it 500?
Do I get to count the bad ones? or the really bad ones?
Now, 300 songs later, the world has really changed,
but there’s something about the music that hasn’t changed
at least for me
Trying to write songs that have heart, it’s a worthwhile destination
It’s hard to know when you’re there, or if you’ve ever been there
But music is still fun, damn, music is still fun!
When a new LP record cost $2.49
I had twenty or thirty, then fifty, then… albums
and I listened to them from start to finish
with headphones, late into the night.
I read the lyrics on the album covers, I memorized the pictures
and I went wherever the songs would take me, again and again
Some of that music still takes me there
I don’t have as much time to listen
but I’m still listening
So I wrote a bunch of songs, I recorded a few of them
and now I’m trying to find out if people like them
Hopefully I’m better at writing songs than I am at building websites
ok, no hype, I’m trying to be real here
but I’m also trying to get people to give me money on Patreon.com
Is being a songwriter still a cool thing to do?
Thank you for getting this far
Please let me know what you think of the songs, I’d love to hear from you